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Aperture 3.4.3 Update

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More news regarding the most innovative program of all time, in our opinion, working with raw files, store, modify, develop and make the most of their potential.

The new update, reached version 3.4.3, no reserve, this time very great news but essentially improves:

- New Faces in gesione that improves the flow of data and speeds up face detection.

- Fixes a problem inherent to the request of the serial number every time you open the program.

- Viewing images in the correct mode after you make changes to the white balance is automatically or manually.

- The raw files are no longer displayed when you select only the jpg files in the folder import.

- Resolves an issue of management of zooming when it was used with a second monitor.

Apple Aperture 3.4.3



©Marco Pollini 2016 - All rights reserved


Marco Pollini photographer
Pollini Photo Laboratory SEO Roma
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Orari: lun - ven 10:00 - 18:00 , sab 10:00 - 13:00 su appuntamento.


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